Home whitening vs. In-Office Whitening

Top Cosmetic Dentists Serving the Austin Community

With so much emphasis on our physical appearance, probably everyone you know has jumped on the teeth-whitening bandwagon. While some choose at-home remedies, others opt for in-office treatments to avoid having to wait months for the final results.

But when it comes to deciding which whitening treatment to use, it can be overwhelming. Read on to learn the differences between the two treatments and how they whiten your teeth:


In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening is done by professionals, which means that you’re going to have reliable and safe results. The results you’ll see from in-office whitening are usually better than at-home whitening because dentists have highly effective bleaching gels. There are two common, yet very effective in-office treatments that the Toothbar can perform; Zoom and KoR. Zoom can brighten a person’s teeth by up to 10 shades in less than an hour while the KoR treatment can brighten up to 16 shades.

Zoom is for people who are looking to see results after one session. The procedure itself is painless and usually takes about 45 minutes to complete. Here’s how the procedure works; a formulated, hydrogen peroxide-based gel is applied to the surface of your teeth. Then, a special type of light penetrates the teeth and removes stains left from food and dark-colored beverages.

KoR is considered to produce some of the best results than any teeth-whitening procedure on the market. The KoR treatment can reduce and even eliminate from the toughest stains such tetracycline stains. The KoR whitening treatment begins with a custom fabricated tray that’s designed to fit comfortably into a patient’s mouth. This tray is filled with KoR whitening gel and must be worn for two weeks as the patient sleeps.

At-home Tooth Whitening is the alternative to in-office whitening. This alternative is for those who are on a budget and can’t afford professional dental care. However, keep in mind that the at-home whitening products have low amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This means that they won’t give you the same results as you would get from a professional.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

Some at-home teeth whitening treatments include teeth whitening strips, LED teeth whitening pens, and boil and bite trays. Your teeth will be about six shades whiter.

Now that you know the differences between in-office and at-home teeth whitening, it’s up to you to decide which one is best for you. Are you aiming to make your teeth as white as possible? Or are you looking to save a few dollars? Remember to ask yourself these questions before making your decision.

Why whiten your teeth with the Toothbar?

When choosing whitening treatments, you need to understand how at home and in-office treatments can benefit you. The Toothbar at Austin Cosmetic Dentistry understands how confusing making the decision can be. we strive to ensure you make the right decision to produce the dazzling smile you want.

If you’re ready to brighten your smile and would like more information about the process, contact us at Austin Cosmetic Dentistry today. We want to make you smile.


What Our Patients Say

If you have always wanted a great smile with whiter and straighter teeth you may be looking for cosmetic dentistry near your location. Let our expert doctors pamper you and take care of that smile. Sit back and relax at our cosmetic dental office in downtown Austin.