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Sudden Wisdom Tooth Pain: How to Put a Stop to It

July 25, 2024 - toothbar - 0 comments

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to emerge and typically don’t appear until your late teens to early twenties, according to Columbia College of Dental Medicine. Since they arrive so late, it’s common to experience mild discomfort as they push their way through your gums. You can manage any sudden pain you may be experiencing in a few ways.

Saltwater Rinse
Saltwater has natural disinfectant properties, which means that rinsing with saltwater reduces the level of bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria are typically the source of sudden pain in the wisdom teeth because of any infection they’re causing around the break in the gums. You can rinse your mouth two to three times a day to help reduce the pain.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medication
Since wisdom teeth can cause inflammation in the gums, ibuprofen is a great option for reducing this swelling and easing any discomfort and pain. You could also grab some numbing gel, which you can apply directly onto the gums to dull the pain.

Ice Pack/Cold Compress
Placing an ice pack or cold compress directly against the outside of the jaw is also an effective way to reduce swelling. This is a good option if you cannot get over-the-counter pain medications and need quick relief, as you most likely already have access to a cold compress or ice pack at home.

Continue Good Oral Hygiene
Practicing good oral hygiene will also help to reduce sudden wisdom tooth pain. This is because you will be removing the bacteria that is causing the gums to become inflamed. Consider adding an antiseptic mouthwash to your routine to help reduce bacteria, as well.

Should pain continue to persist, you must get in to see your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist could recommend extraction as this will stop continued bacteria growth in the area since it is difficult for most patients to reach that far back in their mouth to keep it clean daily. Plus, the pain could be caused by impaction, which, according to the American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, nine out of ten people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. Impaction cannot be prevented and must be addressed by your dentist.

If you are experiencing pain, visit us at Toothbar, your local cosmetic dentist in Downtown Austin. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 512-949-8202. For more contact information, click here.

Dr. Kimberley Barclay

Co-founder and owner Dr. Kimberley Barclay is actively involved in local and national dental societies, including the Capital Area Dental Society and Spear Education courses on cosmetic dentistry. She is also a member of the Seattle Study Club, one of the most advanced education groups for dental professionals.

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This content was fact-checked by Dr. Kimberley Barclay and Dr. Lauren Jacobsen following editorial guidelines. Dr. Kimberley Barclay is actively involved in local and national dental societies, including the Capital Area Dental Society and Spear Education courses on Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Lauren Jacobsen is an active member of the dental community and engages in further education and training through membership with a local chapter of the Seattle Study Club and Spear Education courses.

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